We Wear The Mask Opening Night
We Wear The Mask Opening night was a success even in a crazy snow storm that blanketed the city of Denver. We had over 120 people attend who enjoyed the wine, refreshments, and incredible music played by our 4 DJ's: Mickey Majors, Destiny Shynelle, Hex Kitten, and Squizzy Taylor. Also 3 original works were sold and the gift shop moved over $2000 worth of merch and art prints.
More importantly for me the diversity in the crowd was mesmerizing. We had all ages, races, and classes moving and grooving through the space, so shouts out to the artist's who brought out such a unique segment of the Denver's art scene. I knew for me the event was special when I popped into a few conversations groups of people were having about the art and the surrounding culture. It was giving Gertrude Stein and the lost generation in France where the likes of Josephine Baker partied with Salvador Dali and Picasso while jazz perfumed the air! That's just to say the art wasn't just on the walls, it was the people.
Thank you to everyone who attended and stay tuned to more updates about content for the month long residency of We Wear The Mask!